REDCap also hosts virtual office hours. See here
for schedule and additional information.
1.1 Updating instruments
in REDCap
Should you need to make any IMMEDIATE
changes on RedCap, create those alterations and then notify Dr. Petersen
to push changes.
1.2 Adding new RAs to
Go to “User Rights” on the left side (under “Applications”).
In the text box labeled “Assign new user”, type the new lab member’s
HawkID and click “Assign to Role” (e.g., “RA”, “Grad Student”).
“RA Analyst” is for RAs conducting honors projects who need to do
data analysis.
“Project Manager” is for the Lab Coordinator.
“Add Measures” is for selected RAs who are deemed ready by
Dr. Petersen to make edits/additions to measures in REDCap
After assigning them to the correct role, go to “DAGs” on the left
side (under “Applications”).
To add an RA to their specific task, go to Project Home → Project
Setup → Online Designer → click on name of required task in the left
Select “Edit” on the “Coder Name” field.
Under “Choices (one choice per line)”, add the subsequent number
followed by a comma and the RA’s name.
Click “Save”.
1.3 Adding fields to an
To edit an instrument, go to: Project Home → Project Setup → Online
Designer → click on name of required task in the left column
Select the correct location where question needs to be added and
select “Add Field”
Select field type—the most frequently we use are:
Text Box
Multiple Choice
Note: For Multiple Choice Questions and Checkboxes,
enter one answer choice per line in the box labeled “Choices”
Add variable name:
Variable names must be unique
Variable names within the same instrument should have the same
beginning (e.g. all variables within the school information instrument
start with “school_”)
Indicate whether question is required
Add data validation (if possible) to reduce the possibility of human
error in data entry
Questions within the same instrument may belong to different
sections. To add a new section:
Click “Add Field”
As field type select “Begin New Section (with optional text)
As field label, name the new section
1.4 Branching Logic
Branching logic is a method to link two questions with each other.
The answer of Question A will determine whether Question B will be
displayed. Typically question A is a checkbox or multiple-choice
question. Follow the below steps to use branching logic:
Create all questions to be linked
Click on the green arrow to begin using branching logic
Use the drag and drop builder to create questions to be linked
Use the code to link questions together
Example: When, [other_instrument_name] = '1', show this
1.5 Field Embedding
Filed embedding is an advanced branching logic method which allows
Question B to be directly embedded in Question A, if the relevant answer
choice is selected.
Use branching logic to link Question B to Question A, so Question B
will only appear if the participant selects “other” for Question A (in
our example, variable name for Question A would be college, variable
name for Question B: college_other)
Make sure that answer choice “Other” is coded as “9” (see figure
Return to Question A and add several spaces behind the answer choice
you would like to embed.
Insert variable you would like to embed in curly brackets {var_name}
(in our example this would be {college_other}; see figure 1)
When testing the instrument, a textbox should now appear directly
behind the answer choice, when selecting “Other” (see below
1.6 Designating
Instruments as a Survey
If an instrument is intended to be completed by participants as a
survey (as opposed to a data entry instrument for entry of data by lab
members), the instrument will need to be designated as a survey. To
designate an instrument as a survey, go to Project Home → Project Setup
→ Online Designer → click on “Enable” under the “Enabled as Survey”
column for the relevant instrument.
1.7 Designating
Instruments to Events
Most instruments in longitudinal studies will need to be desigated
across events. Instruments should already be created and approved before
designating to events.
To designate events, follow the below steps:
Go to “Designer” → “Project Setup”
Under the “Define your events and designate instruments for
them” section, select
Designate Instrument for my events
Select, begin editing and select checkboxes for each
event to designate the instrument to
Important: Update the roles in
User Rights to be able to view and edit the newly
designated instrument
1.8 Designating
Instruments as Repeatable
Some instruments will be designated as repeatable. These events will
first need to be designated across events (See section on designating events). Tasks that require
multiple people to create the same form will often need to be
repeatable. For example, coding tasks that require multiple people to
check across forms for reliability.
To designate forms as repeatable, follow the below steps:
Under “Enable optional modules and customizations”, select
Repeatable instruments and events
Select instruments to be designated repeatable
2 Creating Instruments in
2.1 Steps to Add a New
Project Home → Project Setup → Online Designer
In grey box (Data Collection Instruments), click on “+ Create” to
create a new instrument from scratch
However, an instrument will not show up for entry until:
The addition of the measure has been approved by Dr. Petersen.
User rights are updated to allow users to view the instrument (i.e.,
“Read Only” or “View and Edit”)
2.2 Good Practices
Include relevant instructions where applicable
Omit “introductory” variables (e.g., date of birth) that are
collected from other measures
Field Labels are the same across instruments where applicable
Choices are the same across instruments where applicable
Include numbers (if relevant) in parentheses in row below column
Choices follow correct format: Number, Choice
(e.g., 1, female)
For yes/no questions, use the “Yes - No” question type (rather than
multiple choice radio buttons)
No = 0
Yes = 1
For yes/no questions with additional options (e.g., “not
applicable”), use multiple choice radio buttons where:
No = 0
Yes = 1
Other = 9
Not applicable = -999
Time questions
Specific time (e.g., What is the child’s bedtime?):
Begin question with instructions: Below you will
enter your child’s bedtime. Please specify in 12-hour time (AM/PM). For
example, if your child’s bedtime is 10:30 PM, please enter 10 hours and
30 minutes like the example below. (show example image below)
Have three variables for every time question:
AM/PM (Radio Button)
hours (text box), italicized
Validation: integer from 1–12
minutes (text box), italicized
Validation: integer from 0–59
Specify 12-hour time in the question
Example: What is the child’s bedtime? Please
specify in 12-hour time (AM/PM).
Duration: (e.g., How long does the child nap each day?)
Below you will enter how long your child naps each day. Please
specify in hours and minutes. For example, if your child naps 2 hours
and 30 minutes each day, please enter 2 hours and 30 minutes like the
example below (show example image below).
Variable names follow the lab conventions (measure_item): use
abbreviated measure name, all lowercase, less than 26 characters
Validation is used wherever possible
For variables with identifying information (e.g., name, address),
select the checkbox labeled “Identifier”
Branching logic is used to give questions only to relevant
A “Matrix of Fields” is used to group together items with common
response options
For “Matrix of Fields,” only select “Ranking” if you want the
participant to select only one response per column
Where helpful, “Sections” are used to break up the questions
Radio buttons are used rather than drop-down lists
For crucial variables, “Required” is selected
If necessary, piping is used
Add the following verbatim to the end of every questionnaire (in
italics): “Please be sure you answered all items.”
Name the variable: measure_allitems (where “measure” is the
abbreviated measure name)
2.4 Adding Smart
Variables to Questionnaires
In every surey, we want to add the following “Smart Variables”. These
variables automatically calculate the survey start time, survey start
date, and duration survey was completed. Variable names should follow
the appropriate naming convention that is used for each survey. After
you have added variables, slack the Lab Coordinator for review.
Do not add variables to more than three surveys at a
time. These variables should be entered at the end of each
survey. For each survey, follow the instructions below to add the
required smart variables:
2.4.1 Timestamps
“Date/Timestamp in the rater’s timezone”
Add a “Text Box” field with validation “Datetime w/seconds (Y-M-D
Use variable name: prefix_ratertimezone
Add the following action tags:
“Date/Timestamp (REDCap server)”
Add a “Text Box” field with validation “Datetime w/seconds (Y-M-D
Use variable name: prefix_servertimezone
Add the following Action tags:
“Date/Timestamp (UTC)”
Add a “Text Box” field with validation “Datetime w/seconds (Y-M-D
Use variable name: prefix_centraltimezone
Add the following Action tags:
2.4.2 Date Completed,
Time Completed and Survey Durations
In the below section, it is necessary to identify the
instrument_name for each variable added. In REDCap, open
the Designer tab and navigate to the survey to be edited.
In the URL on the webpage, identify the instrument name for the given
survey. For example, the below URL corresponds to the
parenting_partner instrument.
If you do not want the field hidden once it contains data, add the
following as an “OR” condition on the existing branching
logic: [field_name] <> “”
Note: The @DEFAULT action tag
cannot be used for fields that are hidden by branching
Sometimes REDCap may record incorrect values or may fail to record
values at all. You can check for this by:
Navigating to a project, then in the side bar clicking “Data
Quality” under “Applications”
Under Rule #H “Incorrect values for calculated fields”, click
You will see a table with any incorrect calculated values (including
missing values). Check the table to make sure the discrepant fields are
what you expect. Also check to make sure there are no rows that suggest
overwriting legitimate values. If a row looks like it is actually
correct, click “exclude”.
Click “Fix calcs now” to record the correct values in the data.
2.6 How To
Em dash (—):
Line Break
Italic font:
<i>This is some text!</i>
Example: This is some text!
Change font size:
<font size="6">This is some text!</font>
Example: This is some
Change font color:
<font color="red">This color will be red.</font>
Example: This color will be
2.7 Lab Universal
Yes = 1, No = 0
True = 1, False = 0
Sex: Male = 0, Female = 1
Not Applicable = -999
Coding Options
Correct = 2 (or 1, if there is no option for “initially incorrect,
changed to correct”)
Incorrect = 0
Initially incorrect, changed to correct = 1
No response = -9
Uncodeable = 9
For Likert scales:
If there are numbers listed for the Likert scale options, use those
numbers as the values
If there are not numbers listed, check with Dr. Petersen for what
numbers to use as the values
In general, values start with number 1 (not 0—unless the value
actually reflects complete absence of something)
If there is an “Other” option, code it as “9”, if possible
If there is a “N/A” option, code it as “-999”
2.8 Editing the Data
If editing the data dictionary, do not use Excel!—Excel truncates
values in cells